In the heart of the city of Tokyo, the story of an Akita named Hachiko goes beyond the boundaries of a simple anecdote to become an eternal symbol of fidelity. The exceptional relationship between this dog and his owner has captivated Japan and the world, demonstrating the importance of the bonds we form with our four-legged companions. Everything you need to know about the story of Hachiko In 1920s Tokyo, a dog named Hachiko became famous for his devoted wait for his deceased master at Shibuya Station. Adopted by Hidesaburo Ueno, an esteemed professor at the University of Tokyo, Hachiko and his master formed an inseparable duo. Their daily routine included shared rides to the train station, where Hachiko was already...
Japan, country of refinement and tradition, offers a range of unique gifts to amaze your loved ones. Whether you are looking for elegant Japanese decoration, a Japanese gift for women, affordable items under 20 dollars, or Japanese cultural symbols like Daruma and Maneki-Neko, this top 10 japanese gift ideas will certainly inspire you. JAPANESE DECORATION GIFTS The art of Japanese decoration is a true invitation to harmony and aesthetics, making it an essential gift option. Japanese prints, also known as " ukiyo-e ", are true artistic treasures. They illustrate scenes from daily life, enchanting landscapes, and kabuki theater actors, thus capturing the essence of Japanese culture. Offering a Japanese print, carefully framed, means offering your loved ones a piece of Japanese...
In the land of the Rising Sun, the art of packaging takes on a whole new dimension thanks to Japanese furoshiki. This square of fabric, often decorated with artistic motifs, is much more than a simple packaging; it is a symbol of respect for the environment, versatility and tradition. In this article, we'll delve into the fascinating world of furoshiki, exploring its history, uses and impact on sustainability. THE HISTORY OF FUROSHIKI Furoshiki has its origins in ancient Japan, where it was used to wrap clothing and precious objects. The word "furoshiki" itself literally translates to "spread the bath", as originally these squares of fabric were spread out to cover clothing as it was laid out on the edges of...
When temperatures start to drop and winter is around the corner, it means that it's time to snuggle up in warm, comfortable clothes, like Japanese socks, to keep your feet warm. This season, a unique trend is emerging, straight from Japan: tabi socks, also known as two-fingered socks. THE HISTORY OF JAPANESE TWO-FINGER SOCKS Japanese two-toed socks , known as " tabi ", have a rich and captivating history dating back centuries. Their origin can be traced back to the Heian period (794-1185), a period in Japanese history marked by cultural and artistic prosperity. At that time, Japanese nobles and members of the imperial court wore them as a symbol of status and elegance. Tabi were designed to be worn...
The world of cosplay is ever-expanding, bringing together dedicated fans who passionately recreate their favorite characters from the anime , manga , video game universes and much more. If you're a cosplay enthusiast or thinking about embarking on this creative adventure, you're probably wondering where to find quality cosplays that will allow you to bring your favorite characters to life. In this article, we'll explore the fascinating history of cosplay in Japan, then guide you to a source for quality cosplay online: the Japan Mood website. Finally, we will take a look at the most popular Japanese cosplays at the moment. THE HISTORY OF COSPLAY IN JAPAN The phenomenon of cosplay, a contraction of the words "costume" and "play", is...